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Berlin Mall Owners Envision Town Center

07 Mar 2016, Posted by Admin in Press Release

See article and video in March 7, 2016 In Vermont and around the country, planners in recent years have been taking a close look at suburban malls, trying to re-envision how they can better fit into communities. Now efforts are underway in Berlin to give the...


See article in Times Argus February 29, 2016 This past week I had the opportunity to attend the Berlin Planning Commission meeting. At that session, Ken Simon, vice president of Heidenberg Properties Group, the owner of the Berlin Mall, introduced a presentation by Michael Rushman from Land...


Mall Concept Plans To Be Unveiled

23 Feb 2016, Posted by Admin in Press Release

See article in Times Argus February 23, 2016 Kohl’s is still days away from opening its doors, but owners of the Berlin Mall have already given considerable thought to what comes next. For the moment, they aren’t saying much, but that will change Wednesday night when conceptual plans...